Resources » Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy

Del Oro High School Academic Honesty Policy

A Student/Parent/Teacher/Administrator Agreement

   A student’s ethical awareness as it applies to the academic environment is fundamental to his or her success at Del Oro High School.  Academic honesty requires that students produce work that is their own work. In contrast, academic dishonesty is a student’s attempt to claim or show possession of knowledge or skills that he or she does not actually possess.  Students will be held responsible for their actions and intent.

Academic Dishonesty

   The following actions are reflective of academic dishonesty and are subject to disciplinary action by the teacher, school, and/or district: 

  • Using dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work;
  • Using notes, aids, or assistance to complete any academic assignment, including a quiz or exam,  in any way not expressly permitted by the teacher;
  • Copying from or allowing another student to copy any course work, including a quiz or exam, which is not intended to be collaborative in nature;
  • Tampering with an instructor’s records of scores or grades;
  • Violating the Acceptable Use Policy for DOHS Internet access;
  • Accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring, or receiving any electronic or paper files without the expressed authorization of the teacher;
  • Plagiarizing any materials, also called intellectual theft, is the reproducing of another’s literary, artistic, or musical work in an attempt to claim the words or ideas as one’s own.   Plagiarism encompasses omitting quotation marks for directly quoted material, omitting works cited information for information directly quoted or paraphrased;
  • While encouraging parents or tutors to dialogue and offer students assistance on assignments when permissible, they may not complete students’ assignments.

Process for Disciplinary Action

The process whereby a student will be held responsible for infractions of the Academic Honesty Policy shall include the following steps:

First Offense:

  • There will be a documented student/teacher conference.
  • The student will receive a zero on the assignment.
  • The student will have a conference with the counselor.
  • If the class is an AP or Honors class, the student may be dropped.
  • The teacher will contact the parent or guardian and warn him or her of possible consequences for subsequent offenses.
  • The administration will be notified, and the infraction will be recorded on the student’s discipline record.
  • The student may be suspended from school.

Second Offense (in the same school year):

  • There will be a documented student/teacher conference.
  • The student will receive a zero on the assignment.
  • If the class is an AP or Honors class, the student may be dropped from that class and may be dropped from the AP or Honors program.
  • The student will receive a referral to the dean, and the infraction will be recorded on the student’s discipline record.
  • An administrator will contact the parent or guardian and inform him or her of the consequences for this second offense, and warn of possible consequences for subsequent offenses.
  • The student may be suspended from school.

Third Offense (in the same school year):

  • There will be a documented student/teacher conference.
  • The student will receive a zero on the assignment.
  • If the class is an AP or Honors class, the student will be dropped from the AP or Honors program.
  • An administrator may meet with the parent or guardian, student, and teacher.
  • The student may face suspension from extra-curricular activities including sports programs.
  • The student will be dropped from the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) if the student is a member of that organization.
  • If the student is a senior, he or she may be excluded from participation in senior activities.
  • A notice stating that this student has committed at least three offenses of the Academic Honesty Policy will be placed in the student’s discipline record.
  • The student may be suspended from school.